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Saturday, June 10, 2017

Monarchy Meaning

As you have already read, a monarchy is any government that is ruled by a monarch, such as a king or queen or an emperor. In fact, the word monarchy means "rule by one." A monarch usually inherits power and rules for life.

For many centuries monarchy was the most common governing system. The governments of ancient Egypt, China, and India were all monarchies.

There are still some monarchies, but most monarchs today do not have as much power as monarchs did in the past. Long ago every monarchy was an absolute monarchy. The monarch had absolute, or complete, authority. Today very few countries have absolute monarchies. One present-day absolute monarchy is in the country of Oman (oh»MAHN) in southwestern Asia.

The Magna Carta, signed in 1215, cut back the power of monarchs for the first time. Later, the British Bill of Rights and the American and French revolutions all helped end the absolute authority of monarchs.

In most present-day monarchies, the monarch is limited by laws. Such a monarchy is called a constitutional monarchy.

A constitutional monarchy is actually run by a prime minister and a cabinet, and its laws are passed by the legislative branch of the government. Instead of controlling their governments, most modern monarchs represent the history of their country. King Hussein of Jordan and Queen Elizabeth II of Britain are two such monarchs.

Who makes the laws in a constitutional monarchy?


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